St. Andrew’s College’s annual MacPherson Tournament will take place on the last Friday of January continuing and concluding on Sunday. Games will be played at the La Brier Family Arena on the campus of St. Andrew’s College and arenas in the Aurora and Newmarket area.

Players must be full-time students at their respective high school or registered with their respective club teams. Players from other provinces in Canada, or other countries must be eligible to compete for their team according to their sanctioning bodies eligibility rules. Rosters must be filed with the tournament committee prior to a team’s first game, and no substitutions will be permitted thereafter. In the case of goaltender injury or suspension, a third goaltender (if not already rostered) may be added to the tournament roster, but must fulfill the eligibility requirements above. 

The eight teams will be divided into two divisions (the Meagher Division and the Hamilton Division) of four teams each. Each team will play a single divisional round robin of three games on Friday and Saturday. Games will be 3 periods of 15 minutes each (stop time) with a five-minute warm up prior to each game. When possible, floods will be after teams have completed their five-minute warm up and after the second period. Divisional standings during the round robin will be tabulated as follows: wins will count for three (3) points, regulation ties one (1) point, one (1) additional point will be awarded for an overtime or shootout win. There will be zero (0) points awarded for losses. The cross-over Semi-finals (1st in one division vs. 2nd in the opposite division) will take place on Saturday at 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. The two losing teams will play for the Bronze Medal on Sunday. The two winners will play for the Silver and Gold Medals on Sunday afternoon. Home team for the Consolation & Championship matches will be determined by the team with a) the most points, if tied then: b) most wins in tournament, if teams are tied after (b) then: c) fewest goals against, if tied after (c) then: d) greatest goal differential in the tournament, if tied after (d) then: e) team with the fewest penalty minutes.

In the case of a multiple team tie after round-robin play, the following priority list will be used to determine the

(a) The team with most regulation wins

(b) If a tie still exists, then the team with the greatest goal differential in games involving the tied teams takes the highest standing, to a maximum of +/- 5 goals per game.

(c) If the teams are still tied after (b) above, then the team with the fewest goals against in games involving the tied teams will take the highest standing.

(d) If the teams are still tied after (c) above, then the team with the most goals for in games involving the tied teams will take the highest standing.

(e) If the teams are still tied after (d) above, then the team with the fewest penalty minutes against in games involving the tied teams will take the highest standing.

(f) If the teams are still tied after (e) above, then the team with most period wins in games involving the tied teams will take the highest standing

If (after all the above) teams remain tied, the Tournament Committee will supervise a coin toss to determine the final standings. If a three way tie odd coin is lowest seed. If a two team tie results from all the tiebreaking criteria then the team who won the game between the tied teams will call the coin flip.

(A) There will be a ten-minute, sudden-victory overtime period for all games (unless noted in (B) below) if tied. Overtime will be played with three skaters plus a goalie. If the game remains tied at the end of the overtime period, there will be a 3-man shootout to decide which team will receive one additional point in the standings. Every player on the game sheet (excluding goalies) must shoot before shooters can be reused. Following the three (3) initial shooters, the shootout will be sudden victory.

(B) In the Semi-finals and Championship games, overtime will consist of sudden-victory. The ice will not be resurfaced at the conclusion of regulation time. There will be a three-minute rest period. The first overtime period will be 10 minutes stop-time and will be played with three skaters, plus a goalie. If the game remains tied, the ice will be resurfaced and a second overtime period will be played for 20 minutes stop-time with three skaters, plus a goalie (if time permits). Following the second overtime period, the shoot-out format described in (A) above will take place.

Rulings on a dispute or possible suspension will be handled by the Tournament Convenor and Committee, the Referee-in-Chief & the Referee doing the game in which the incident took place. The Tournament Committee ruling will be final.

All HC rules will be in force with the following adjustments:

a) Any player receiving a five-minute major or game misconduct is suspended for the next tournament game. A fighting major will result in automatic expulsion from the tournament.

b) If a player receives 3 separate ten-minute misconducts in tournament play, that player shall be ejected from the tournament.

c) Hybrid Icing will be in effect for the tournament.  Teams will be permitted to change following an icing infraction.

d) The face-off following a penalty will take place in the offensive zone of the team with the man-advantage.

Gold, silver and bronze medallions will be presented to the championship, runner-up and third place team members respectively. The Lloyd C. MacPherson Cup will be presented to the Championship team, along with a ‘keeper’ banner. The Cup resides at St. Andrew’s College year round. The J.P. McClocklin Trophy and a ‘keeper’ plaque will be presented to the Tournament’s Most Valuable Player. The Robin Fraser Plaque will be presented to the player best exemplifying qualities of leadership, sportsmanship and high calibre play. A six member all-star team will be selected to recognize outstanding tournament play.