Doug and Lisa Elliott

SAC’s Transition Up Program – A perfect ending!

Our son Scott started at St. Andrew’s College in grade 6 as a day boy. For the past seven years the School has been a tremendous experience for our family. As Andrean parents we have been highly involved volunteering for the many committees and events that SAC has to offer. The car almost drives back and forth between our home and the School by itself!

We started talking about the Transition Up program several years ago. We thought that it would be a great stepping stone to living in residence in university, and excellent preparation for later life as well.
It has turned out to be so much more than we expected. The opportunities to develop new friendships, participate in more activities, increase leadership abilities, develop better study habits and volunteer more have all produced a more independent and self-aware son.

We thought that all this extra activity would perhaps cause grades to suffer, especially when, as a Prefect, the additional duties and responsibilities consumed so much time. The result has been quite the opposite. Scott has thrived under the pressure and learned to expect and give more of himself. The difference that boarding has offered has truly seen a remarkable change in our son. We often comment how much he has grown and matured when he comes home on weekends.

We are absolutely thrilled Scott has had the opportunity to participate in this wonderful, enriching, and rewarding Transition Up program during his final year at St. Andrew’s College. For Scott it has truly solidified everything SAC has to offer. The Andrean Brotherhood bonds and SAC spirit will stay with him forever.

A perfect ending!

Lisa and Doug Elliott
Parents of Scott '14
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178