List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Erin Humphreys

    Erin Humphreys 

    Director of Health Services
    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Samantha Muratoff

    Samantha Muratoff 

    Health Centre Asst & Circle Of Care Coordinator
    (905) 727-3178 x399
  • Photo of Chris Fortier

    Chris Fortier 

    School Physician
    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Kris Mulholland

    Kris Mulholland 

    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Alex Seto

    Alex Seto 

    School Counsellor
    (905) 727-3178 x245


The Health and Wellness Centre is located in a wing of the Macdonald House Residence. It is a safe place where individual dignity and confidentiality is honoured. The School physician and nurses work closely with other school professionals to meet student health, development, and educational needs.

The six-bed Health and Wellness Centre is equipped to care for boarding students. Parents will be notified if a student is admitted for more than 24 hours. The School nurses are qualified to handle emergency medical problems at school and/or request further medical help. CPR, AED, and First Aid training is provided to staff every two years. A Medical Response Team comprised of staff from various departments receive more intensive training twice yearly.

Support and Counselling services are available from our school counsellor, Michael Isaac. If a student is experiencing stress, relationship problems, anxiety, or any other concerns, they are encouraged to speak to the School nurse or physician.


“The Health and Wellness Centre is dedicated to the total well-being of our clients, to enable them to attain and maintain the highest level of wellness – physically, spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically.”

The Health and Wellness Centre is a proud supporter of the 'Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign,' an initiative of Mood Disorders Society of Canada to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness. Displaying a blue elephant in the waiting room symbolizes that the Health Centre is a safe place to discuss mental health concerns without fear of judgement.   


Please contact the Health and Wellness Centre at any time with any concerns you may have. Our discussions with students are private and information is not shared with other people without the student’s permission, unless we are concerned that someone is in danger.
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178