Why Support SAC?

With more than a century of experience in educational excellence for young men, St. Andrew’s College has distinguished itself as a leading independent school in North America. Rich in tradition and vast in opportunity, the College presents its students with an extraordinary experience – one where a campus feels more like a home than a school, and boys feel more like brothers than classmates. A preparatory school by conviction, we strive for far more than our annual 100% university acceptance rate. Our end goal? The development of the complete man, the well-rounded citizen.

We are committed to meeting this goal for each and every student. It takes nothing less than a devoted, first-class faculty, the best in educational resources, and endless opportunities for growth in character and leadership. St. Andrew’s does not receive government funding, and as such, we rely on tuition and philanthropy in order to recognize this potential for all of our students.

Your donation helps to keep the School strong. Rewarding opportunities for deserving students and the development of future leaders is what you can expect in return.

Looking for ways to support SAC? Click here

St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178