Peter and Susan Merchant

The following email was received from Peter Merchant, father of Christopher Merchant ’14 after the 2012 annual fall play.

Crazy For You was an incredible show – wonderful, entertaining, funny, warm, and enjoyable. You are to be congratulated and commended for an outstanding job.

Not only was I amazed at the quality of the overall production, but also how effortlessly it flowed from beginning to end. Having seen one of the practices, I know how incredibly hard all the kids worked to deliver their best performance. The acting, singing and dancing was terrific, but in addition, the choreography, set and costumes were all fabulous, and I thought to myself several times how incredible it is that this is a high school play!

I laughed, cried, clapped, sang, tapped my foot and thoroughly enjoyed myself, as did my brother and cousin’s family. Watching my son perform, I thought how lucky he is to be doing this and then wishing I could have too!

Christopher told me the next day that along with winning the CISAA Football Championship this year, performing as Wyatt in Crazy For You has been one of the highlights of his life. Not only did he learn a great deal about theatre, and develop a new respect for the hard work and dedication necessary to master that craft, but he learned from you as a mentor and as a leader. Thank you for encouraging him and helping him to develop a side of himself that he might never had known if not for your passion and dedication.

You and St. Andrew’s College have once again confirmed for my wife Susan and I that we made the right decision for, and with, our son to attend there and to give him a greater opportunity to develop into a complete man.

Thank you!

Peter and Susan Merchant
Parents of Christopher ’14
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178