Michel and Mary Roy

A St. Andrew's education will support him throughout life

Our son Matthew ’12 grew up listening to stories about St. Andrew's from cousins and friends. His stated purpose at his admission interview was to play for the Varsity Hockey team, a team he had idolized during his young hockey career in Aurora. Little did Matthew know that he would also be encouraged to play Varsity Football and Rugby, culminating in a three-sport Varsity career in his final year.

On the way he was nurtured through progressively more competitive teams and given opportunity to grow into positions that contributed to the team's success. On buses and on the field or on the ice, Matthew spent many fulfilling hours with his teammates and coaches supporting his school with passion. Within these hard fought rivalries he learned to win and to lose with grace.

His time on the Varsity Hockey team was especially challenging, as he had to balance the hours on the road and his academic demands, a skill he will rely upon in university. This valuable life experience is a credit to the skill and dedication of coaches and their support staff. We especially relied on the physiotherapy group to keep him healthy during the relentless demands of these very physical sports.

To our immense satisfaction as parents, St. Andrew's has been so much more than just an opportunity to play high-level sports. It has offered our son a balanced education in academics, arts and athletic pursuits of which Matthew took full advantage. Although he inclined toward maths and sciences, the arts and humanities streams also offered great learning opportunities. The excellent art studio and superior instruction offered a chance to develop his creative side and to learn fundamental art skills in a wonderful setting. He was encouraged to use his sports experience as his subject matter; a great way to document his love of sport. Matthew was thrilled to have the school award him an art prize for his final piece on his hockey team celebrating the bronze goal at the McPherson Cup.

All along his four-year journey, the School faculty and advisory staff were supportive and willing to provide individual attention as needed. Advisors filled an important role for the boys—providing guidance and encouragement when most needed. They also challenged him to step outside his comfort zone into leadership roles with Cadets, as a Prefect and through SASSAW (St. Andrew’s Society for Service Around the World). The educational experience at SAC truly develops the well-rounded person.

Michel and I have also loved the SAC experience as parents. We met many like-minded parents on the sports fields and in volunteer activities, and formed special friendships which will last beyond the years at SAC. It is with mixed emotion that we watch Matthew leave the school for university. We are confident however that his St. Andrew's education will support him throughout his life, and the Brotherhood will mean as much to him today as many years from now.

Michel and Mary Roy
Parents of Matthew ’12
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178