Ryan and Wendy de Langley

Three Brothers Boarding at St. Andrew's College

Wendy and I have been asked why we have chosen to send our three boys, Leland, Brennan and Devon, to board at St. Andrew’s College and really the answer is quite simple: St. Andrew’s College provides the best education possible, in a safe and nurturing environment, one that fosters academic and athletic excellence.

St. Andrew’s College has an excellent reputation as one of Canada's top private schools. The teachers are very good, the class sizes are small, and each of the boys has his own laptop, all of which provides them with a competitive advantage as they progress on their path to university and beyond.

The boys who attend St. Andrew’s come from like-minded families that strive to give their children the best possible start in life. As such, the boys who attend St. Andrew’s are generally polite, driven to succeed, well-rounded, and good boys who provide a continuous, positive influence on our own three boys.
At St. Andrew’s College our boys are challenged to expand their horizons and to explore new fields. By boarding at the College, they have developed an early sense of independence and confidence while remaining only one hour away from home so that we see them virtually every other day and on weekends.

All three of our boys played AAA hockey and rep lacrosse and have won several Ontario provincial championships, and as such we wanted a school that provided a strong athletic program and that offered a diversity of sports. Our three boys are top athletes at St. Andrew’s College and are revered by their younger peers, which provides role-model and leadership opportunities and further develops their confidence.

As parents we are thankful that our boys really enjoy the School. St. Andrew’s College is a second home to them. They truly love the spirit of camaraderie that they share with the other boys. They have developed great friendships with good boys from good families. We are proud of our boys and all of us are proud of St. Andrew’s College.

Ryan and Wendy de Langley
Parents of Leland '11, Brennan '12, and Devon '13
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178