Bob and Jean McCullough

An Amazing Place of Education and Opportunity

“Not an Ordinary Place” may be the School’s tagline, but it speaks volumes about our family’s experience at St. Andrew’s College.

My husband and I are fortunate and blessed to have three great sons – who all love sports and all enjoy learning. So what better place than SAC, a school that offers the chance to learn and excel in everything they could possibly be interested in!

All three of them did well academically, along with being very involved with sports, Chapel, School Prefects, the arts, Focus, Cadets, and the Duke of Edinburgh program—to name just a few. One even tried the bagpipes!

SAC provided a multitude of experiences for all our sons, in fact our whole family. The School is like one big, welcoming community. There is always something to do and something to become involved with or in. The friendships made are life long, and the memories will certainly last forever.

The bonding among the boys and families from so many different places around the world is priceless. Teachers at SAC care and are committed to their jobs, which is not restricted to just part of a day, but often full days and even weekends too. The whole atmosphere is one of caring and commitment and development.

As parents, we first became involved as our sons’ number-one fans (of course). We volunteered in many areas and kept busy interacting with our sons and their friends and their families – and continue to still.

As a family we feel truly blessed to have been able to experience such an amazing place of education and opportunity. Even though our sons have graduated from SAC and now also from university, we will ALWAYS be connected and continue to go back and experience special times as Lifetime Members of this very special place – St Andrew’s College.

Jean and Bob McCullough
Parents of Brendon ’03, Clinton ’05, Colin ’07
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178