Yvonne and Robert McTeague

Four years ago, when our son, Lochlan, started at St. Andrew's, we heard an expression many times but never thought too much about it.  Now, after four crucial formative years spent at St. Andrew's, we completely understand these words: "Dedicated to the development of the complete man, the well-rounded citizen."
St. Andrew's College may not be an ordinary place, but we can tell you from first-hand experience that the teachers and staff of St. Andrew's are much more than extraordinary in so many ways.  The word "dedicated" does not even begin to describe them.
The staff and teachers that make up the Middle School are all so different from each other but there seems to be one common thread that runs among them all: the ability to connect with the same student in unique ways, thereby giving that student different points of view and bringing diversity of thought to that one boy. 
This pattern happens over and over again for each boy in the Middle School, and it happens every day.  Teaching is a vocation at St. Andrew's and not just a job.  That was obvious to us from day one.  We are so grateful to everyone who has touched not only Lochlan's life but also ours.  It has been such a pleasure welcoming all of them into our lives. 
Lochlan will have a brotherhood for life, but we also hope to have a parenthood for life as well.
Yvonne and Robert McTeague
Parents of Lochlan ’21 
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178