SAC Vex Robotics teams significantly move up the world rankings

Our four VEX robotics teams recently competed in the Canadian Open Signature event. It was a two-day competition, and the first day was a gruelling 10-hour mental marathon. We had ups and downs, but our veteran team 97779A, scored a personal best in the “Skills” competition resulting in a significant upward movement in their world ranking.
At a competition in December, our junior team 97779X, did so well that they earned the distinction of being the number one-ranked Independent school in Ontario. The veteran 97779A team accepted the challenge and have now jumped ahead of them. The veterans are ranked higher than any Independent or public school team in Ontario, and our junior team is also still ranked higher than any other Independent school team! Both teams have been enjoying a great amount of success. There is one more qualifier event where we hope to have more of our teams qualify for the provincial competition.
Congratulations and good luck to:
97779A: Brandon Chow, Raymond Hao, Terry Li, John Qing, Nick Wang, Josh Wang, Tiger Wu, David Yang, Stephen Yoon, James Zhou
97779B: Harrison Chen, Eli Chin, Austin Lee, Jongbin Lee, Bennett Leung, Alex Tsoi
97779X: Eric Cai, Charles Wang, Chen Yu Zhang, Eason Zhao
97779Y: Nicholas Chan, Eric Lin, Richard Wang, Justin Zhou
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178