Tribute Gifts
honour students, Old Boys, staff, and families by marking their name on a special place around campus. They are a wonderful way to create a lasting legacy at St. Andrew’s.

Named Tribute Minimum Donation
Ketchum Auditorium Seat $1,000
La Brier Family Arena Seat $1,000
Legacy Campaign Recognition Wall $1,000
Piping and Drumming Studios $25,000
Boarding House Rooms $50,000

For more information, or to discuss making your tax-deductible gift, please contact Ryan Bryce in the Advancement Office at
If you would like to donate your refundable deposit that you contributed in your first year at the school, as part of a tribute gift or otherwise, please see our Refundable Deposit page
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178