One of the keystones of the SAC Middle School program is the existence of Grade Teams, and at SAC we are proud to have such a structure as an integral part of our program.

The Grade Teams (Core Team, Grade 7 Team, and Grade 8 Team) consist of a group of faculty members whose common thread is that they teach the majority of boys in that grade, and, in most cases, each serves as an advisor for a group of students in that grade. Each day, one of our three grade teams meet, and is given the opportunity to dialogue on a variety of issues that support their professional development, and ultimately their students’ progress in all aspects of school life. Additionally, Grade Team time is used to share classroom strategies, best practices, and assessment and evaluation techniques. These meeting times are also used to contact parents to discuss a student's progress or any concerns. When possible, parents may be asked to attend in person, or are contacted via telephone or email. Each Grade Team is led by a team leader who meets regularly with the other team leaders and the Director of Middle School to ensure that each team benefits from each other's dialogue.
The faculty members for each grade team for the 2022-2023 academic year are listed below:

Grade 5 & 6 Core Team: Colby Dockerty (team leader), Whitney Elliott,  Katie Still, John Richardson, Stephen Holmes

Grade 7 Team: Paul Totera (team leader), Randi Berman, Michele Derwin, Scott Lewis, Robyn O'Hare, Adam Kowaltschuk

Grade 8 Team:
Jamie MacPherson (team leader), Emma Porter, Melissa Ramon, Keegan Cahill, Margaux Fraser, Claudia Rose-Donahoe
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178