It’s free, it’s global, and it works!
Old Boy connections light up with SAC Connect
Our 6,000-strong Old Boy, world-wide network is vast and powerful. How to leverage this power has long been a challenge. In 2015, the College invested in an online networking platform called Switchboard to better enable connections between fellow Old Boys.
Membership is free and signing up is easy. Simply go to SAC Connect to register. Once signed up, you can post an “ask” or make an “offer.” The possibilities are endless. Whether you are looking for career advice or a job, or simply wanting a place to rent while travelling, Old Boys are now connecting in so many rewarding ways.
SAC Connect recommends asks and offers be polite and specific. A descriptive post with specific detail will help other members understand and help you. There are filters to sort messages by geographic region and category (i.e., jobs, housing, goods, advice, etc.). Once a connection is made, Old Boys have the ability to communicate with their new Andrean acquaintance via private message.
Registration is straightforward; however, if you need help or have questions, Nicholas Weedon is always available to help.
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178