SAC's history was compiled in a book entitled Not An Ordinary Place by faculty member, William Scoular. Even the quickest look at this work clearly indicates the great history and tradition associated with St. Andrew’s College. More than a history lesson, the past 120 years have created many memories and traditions that guide the development of the present-day Andrean.

While St. Andrew’s College has evolved over the years to address the realities of societal changes, it still upholds and practices many important school traditions. The most noticeable of these is our proud history of being an all-boys boarding school. This has been a defining statement about SAC, and while we have many day students at the College, they quickly realize that they are day students who are attending a residential school.

The College continues to carry on the tradition of having a vibrant after-school program involving athletics, arts, co-curriculars, and leadership and band programs. One only has to walk down the hallway of the Bedard Athletic Centre to see the team photos from the early 1900s and realize that those students, with their young faces, are but a memory now for their families. The playing fields continue to be the site for annual Homecoming games, which have taken place since the College moved to Aurora in 1926.

The Memorial Chapel on the grounds of the campus is now more than 80 years old and has continued to be an important gathering place for our Middle School community twice a week. Prominently displayed on the east walls of the chapel are the plaques that honour alumni and faculty who perished in the World Wars. This chapel was once the location of our annual Carol Service, which ultimately became our annual An Andrean Christmas at Roy Thomson Hall in 2015.

We feel strongly that today’s Andreans feel an obligation to continue to support and strengthen these traditions, and as such, we expect that they will be available on all of these major school events:

· Homecoming
· An Andrean Christmas at Roy Thomson Hall
· Friday Night MacPherson Hockey Game
· Middle School Music Night
· Middle School Prize Day

These annual events help to create memories our students take with them long after they leave.

SAC Archives
SAC is rapidly growing a wonderful online archive that we’ve opened to the public. Browse the archives and learn how to contribute today.
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178