List of 6 members.

  • Photo of Michael Roy '85

    Michael Roy '85 

    Executive Director, Enrolment Management
    (905) 727-3178 x242
  • Photo of Michael Choi '99

    Michael Choi '99 

    Director of International Recruitment & Advancement
    (905) 727-3178 x367
  • Photo of Wendy Coates

    Wendy Coates 

    Associate Director, Admission
    (905) 727-3178 x224
  • Photo of Bruce Keyes

    Bruce Keyes 

    Associate Director of Admission
    (905) 727-3178 x282
  • Photo of Jarryd Stock '03

    Jarryd Stock '03 

    Director of Admission
    (905) 727-3178 x238
  • Photo of Tara Barbeito

    Tara Barbeito 

    Admission Associate
    (905) 727-3178 x303
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