Boys chatting in boarding house
St. Andrew’s boarding students enjoy a unique camaraderie outside the classroom through participation in a wide variety of structured activities, events, leadership, and outreach programs — boys can choose to be as busy and engaged as they want to be.

"There’s always something going on in the evening before and after study, and exciting weekend events are planned for boarders. Basically, you have the freedom to do whatever you want… join a club, do sports, or whatever. But if you just want to head out with a friend to the mall or go to Starbucks, you can do that too, as long as you sign out with the Head of House,"

grade 12 student, Dylan

Dylan has taken advantage of many of the opportunities in the St. Andrew’s Boarding Life Curriculum. Besides football and rugby, weightlifting at the fitness facility, or swimming in the 25-metre, 6-lane pool, one of the things Dylan loves most about boarding is how quickly he became part of the Andrean community.

“I’ve gotten to know tons of people so fast – there are 60 guys in my house – everybody makes an effort to make you feel at home,” says Dylan.

Another student, Christian, says the best thing about boarding school is,

“How close you become with the guys you live with…I can truly say that I have made friends for life.”

With a non-stop pace that challenges and engages boys in every way, St. Andrew’s College offers a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience.
© 2023 St. Andrew's College - Canada's Largest All-Boys Boarding School | "Dedicated to the development of the complete man, the well-rounded citizen."