What it means to you
What it means to you
You are affirming your belief in the Vision and Mission of St. Andrew’s College. You are maintaining a connection to a very special place in your life’s journey. Perhaps most significantly, you are stepping forward to do your part to ensure that future generations of young boys will get to experience the life-changing years of learning and brotherhood.
What it means to SAC
For SAC, the Society creates a base of donors who can be counted on to continue their support.  In fact, annual donations are vital to continuing scholarships and funding extracurricular activities. The Society also gives St. Andrew’s College the opportunity to publicly acknowledge and honour those who stand with us.
Membership Levels
The 1899 Society enables us to honour our supporters in three recognition circles. Each contribution milestone has its own unique benefits of recognition. Your total donation for the year qualifies you as a member of a specific category, in which you will remain for the given term. Andrean Legacy members and the Chairman’s Club members have a “lifetime” term,  as these are two categories in which your membership is based on “cumulative” giving – or all gifts made at any time to SAC. 1899 Society Membership Levels.

Andrean Legacy
Andrean Legacy Circle recognizes those who support St. Andrew’s College with a legacy gift. A legacy gift takes forethought and often reflects the interests, values and passions of the donor. It can include a gift of life insurance, an annuity, RRSP/ RRIF, a bequest in your will, or a gift of shares or securities. 

Parent Circle
The Parent Circle uniquely recognizes parents who support us by way of giving to the SAC Parent Fund, capital campaigns, and other projects. Includes all parents both past and present who have financially supported the School during the fiscal year.

For more information about the 1899 Society please call Laura Byl in the Advancement office at 905-727-3178 Ext. 381, or laura.byl@sac.on.ca
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178