Senior Corps Appointments
Including Cadet Commanding Officers (since 1906), Corps Sergeant Majors, Pipe and Drum Majors, Band Appointments, and Chief Instructors/Commanding Officers
Cadet Corps Awards 
Including Best Middle School Cadet, Best Upper School Cadet (The J. L. Wright Trophy), Best Platoon (The Ellsworth Cup), and Best Company (The Brian G. Armstrong Award).
St. Andrew's College and the First World War
Includes the Honour Roll of those who died, a list of Old Boys and masters who served, honours awarded, articles on SAC and the First World War, a timeline, descriptions of Battles in which Andreans participated, and hundreds of individual biography pages.
St Andrew's College and the Second World War
Includes the Honour Roll of those who died, a list of Old Boys and masters who served, honours awarded, and numerous individual biography pages.
Since the Second World War 
A partial list of Andreans who joined the military after 1945. 

Should your name be included?
Andreans in the 48th Highlanders
A partial list of Old Boys and masters who served with our affiliated unit during the First and Second World Wars including those with the 15th, 92nd, and 134th Battalions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.
Collage of Historical Photos
A selection of photos of cadets and the corps over its long history.

SAC Online Archives

SAC is rapidly growing a wonderful online archive. We have digitized The Review up to 2010 and The Andrean, along with over 4,000 photographs; we are currently entering the metadata about the photographs to make searching more effective. Meanwhile, please click here to search our collection. Please remember that this is a work in progress, and do let us know any recommendations you have. We hope you enjoy it!

Chapel History

Chapel has been central to community life at St.Andrew 's College since its founding in 1899. Click here to find out more.

Old Boys

The Old Boys section of the website offers our Old Boys a chance to reconnect with their School.

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St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178