Awards and Leadership

House Leadership

Macdonald House Council Leadership Positions:

Macdonald House Council is a group of grade representatives who live in Macdonald House. They work with the house captains, student heads' of house, and the heads of house to plan activities and contribute to boarding life in a positive and meaningful way. The Council members are voted on by their peers and Macdonald House staff.

Other leadership positions for Macdonald House boarders:
  • Floor captains
  • Jr. floor captains
  • Heads of House
  • House captains
  • Newsletter editors 
House Captains (senior student leadership positions within Macdonald House)

House Captains

Two terms of House Captains are chosen from boarding applicants in Grades 11 and 12. The applicants are recommended by their current head of house and are interviewed at length for this important leadership position within the School. The role of the House Captain includes that of:
  1. College and House Leadership: Works with the heads of house, Macdonald House Council, and Prefect body to provide house leadership. They must ensure that life at the College and in the house is a positive experience for all boarders.
  2. Student Affairs and Study: Organization of Macdonald House activities working in conjunction with the Macdonald House Council, evening supervision of study, management of student time, being present in the house, and nurturing younger boarders. Good house captains have the following qualities: relate well to all age groups, is a mediator, an organizer, and a liaison, is enthusiastic, is a good listener, gives his best in all aspects of College life - from the classroom to the sports field and the house, has good social skills, is honest, has a sense of responsibility, is dependable and reliable, is patient, and likes working with kids!
Heads of Macdonald House (senior student leadership position)

Eligibility: Students who have served a term as a house captain and who are not elected as a school Prefect would be eligible to apply for the position of Macdonald head of house. Upon completing the application, each applicant will have a formal interview with the Heads of Macdonald House.

PositionUp to three students may be chosen as Macdonald House student heads of house. Each head of house would be granted a single room in Macdonald House.

Job Description:
  1. Serve as a liaison between the house captains and heads of house and hold one scheduled meeting per month with the house captains to discuss relevant house and student issues.
  2. Serve a one-year term in Macdonald House during their senior year, from September to June.
  3. Work with the house captains and Macdonald House Council to plan activities in Macdonald House.
  4. Work and serve on leadership sub-committees (e.g., social, environmental, peer mentoring, sports, etc.) in Macdonald House.
  5. Establish a positive rapport with Macdonald House residents and serve as a role model to all students (from Grade 6 to house captains).
  6. Complete one weekly duty (every two to three weeks). The weekly duty consists of:
    • Working with the Macdonald House resident don from 10:00-11:15 p.m. from Monday to Friday inclusive.
    • Work with the Macdonald House duty supervisor during Friday study supervision to help residents with their study skills from 6:45-8:30 p.m.
    • Complete one weekend duty every 15 weeks.
    • Attend regular house meetings and house activities.
Floor Captains (Gr. 9) and Jr. Floor Captains (Gr. 8)

  • Assigned a duty night every other week.
  • Assist head of house on duty with snack set-up and clean up.
  • Help resident don with lights-out.
  • Leadership development.
  • Act as a mentor to Middle School boarders.
  • Development of characteristics such as responsibility, work ethic, and relationship building.
  • Help promote a safe and positive environment within the residence.
House Awards

The King Memorial Trophy: Presented to the boy living in Macdonald House who most excels in studies, games, deportment, and character.

The Edith Grant Memorial Trophy: Presented to the new boy in Macdonald House who has shown the greatest improvement toward becoming the ideal Andrean.

The Ron MacMillan Memorial Trophy
: Presented to the best athlete in Macdonald House in the senior division.

The Parents Guild Macdonald House Athletic Trophy
: Presented to the best athlete in Macdonald House in the junior division.

The Manny Cominsky Memorial Award
: Presented to the boy in Macdonald House (voted by his peers) who best contributes to house life and spirit.

The Macdonald House Gold, Silver & Bronze Medallion Awards
: In May, each Macdonald House resident can apply for this award. To receive the award, students must acquire points in each category of Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit. The point system will be posted online. However, unlike the awards above which are presented on Prize Day, Macdonald House residents will be presented this award during the December Holiday Banquet (another unique Macdonald House event) in front of their parents and peers.
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178