As a Boarder

Wake up
Take a shower, brush my teeth, floss, and can't forget to clean the ears.
Talk to buddies over omelets, bacon, scones, and chocolate milk. Can't be late or else I'll get a demerit!
Rev. Roffey shares a lesson with us about some of the events he's been through in his life.
Philosophy class
Discuss the last chapter of The Closing of the American Mind by Alan Bloom with Mr. Rush. At first I had no interest in reading this book, but after reading the introduction, I can’t put it down.
Go and watch an exciting floor hockey game between faculty and boys. A 7-7 tie is solved with an unbelievable shootout save by Haider Akbar - the day boys win!
Calculus test
Studied pretty hard last night and I felt like I did well. The test was on radical expressions, rates of change, and the slope of a tangent.
Grab lunch (pasta and caesar salad) in Cole Hall and then bring it down to the Prefect room for a Prefect meeting.
Drama class
We practice for the upcoming one-act play. Mr. Scoular has given us a chance to both act and direct our own plays with the same script for every group, but different interpretations of the actual performances from each group.
French class
Mr. Day gives us a verb quiz. Learning new verbs usually isn't too tough - so let's hope I aced it!
Classes end
The school day ends and I head back to my room to change for basketball practice.
Practice ends
I am usually a bit tired after practice, so I take a shower and then relax with my friends before we go to dinner.
Head over to Cole Hall with friends. Lots of options as usual so I can always get something I like (choice of curried beef or roast pork tenderloin with egg noodles). Sit with friends at the “grad tables” which are located on a raised platform reserved specifically for grade 12 students.
Residential Life Curriculum
I put my running shoes on and head over to Bedard Gym for the Interhouse Football tournament. Tonight we play Flavelle House and we have to win or we won't go to the finals. I love the competition and it gives me a boost before study.
Study begins
Study is a huge part of boarding life. It is two hours of the day devoted to studying and nothing else. I spend the first half-hour in my room going over notes and reading, and then I go to the library with friends from class to work on a group presentation.
Math Den
I don't visit Math Den every night, but it is a great resource. Math is one of my hardest classes, so it's great to have the opportunity to go over to Memorial Library and have all my questions answered.
Study Ends
Many of the guys who live in Sifton House go down to the kitchen after study to grab a snack. We take out the grills to make some grilled cheese sandwiches, as well as cut up some fruit. Some guys just grab a yogurt or cereal. I try and watch my weight, but grilled cheese sandwiches are just too good. Our Housemaster, Mr. Ramon, joins us and asks about our day. 
Get ready for bed
Brush teeth and change.
Lights out
The Residential Don comes by and we chat a bit about school. Then I hit the bed and never look back. What a day!
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178