5-Day Boarding Pass

St. Andrew’s College has developed a deep and rich boarding tradition since 1899. The interaction between our boarding and day students is perhaps one of the most unique features of the Andrean experience. For the past three years, SAC has offered day students an opportunity to experience boarding for themselves. This program, known as the 5-Day Boarding Pass, has seen more than 160 day families take advantage of a week in boarding for their child. The School has reserved a room in both Memorial House (for boys in grades 10-11) and Macdonald House (for boys in grades 5-9). We are offering spaces starting after the Thanksgiving weekend. Spaces are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and students are encouraged to invite a friend to join them for the experience. Day boys are permitted to experience the program once every year, except in their graduating year. 

This is a very popular program and an excellent experience for your son. Boys will have:

  • Mandatory and supervised study hall
  • Access to subject teachers on a nightly basis
  • Admittance to Math Den and Writers’ Nook
  • Extra help sessions through Student Led Groups (SLGs)
  • A multitude of popular inter-house activities and competitions to choose from
  • Full access to campus facilities
  • Post-study hall activities
  • Camaraderie of living amongst friends and classmates for the week
To learn more about this unique program or to inquire about space availability, please contact us at .
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178