Entrance Factors 

Program Entrance Factors – Grade 11

1) Final Grade and Learning Skills – BBI2O
  • A thorough assessment of the student’s ability to demonstrate the overall and specific curricular expectations of the BBI2O – Introduction to Business course.
  • Most successful applicants achieve a mark of at least 85% in the BBI2O class, and end-of-year learning skills of G/E.
2) Final Grade – BBI2O Summative Project
  • An assessment of the student’s ability to apply his knowledge and understanding of the BBI2O – Introduction to Business course content to a new and unique business case study situation.
  • Most successful applicants achieve a mark of at least 85% on their BBI2O Summative Project.
3) Written Application
  • A ‘blind’ written application to assess a variety of items – career goals, leadership traits and characteristics, topic knowledge and interest, program motivation and dedication.
  • Successful applicants are involved in various leadership and extra-curricular roles at SAC (councils, clubs, sports teams, etc.), in particular the DECA club, Entrepreneurship Club, and Investments Club.
  • Successful applicants have earned leadership roles on SAC leadership councils for their Grade 11 year – MacDonald House Captain, Middle School House Captain, etc.
  • Successful applicants are in ‘Good Standing’ in all areas of SAC school life.
  • *Note – SAC faculty will be asked for input regarding each applicant’s contributions to school life in the areas listed on their written application
4) Peer Assessment
  • An assessment of the student’s effort and initiative, teamwork and dependability, business knowledge and application, leadership ability and potential.
  • Most successful applicants achieve a high peer assessment rating in their student work group.
5) Faculty Assessment
  • An assessment of the student’s effort and initiative, teamwork and dependability, business knowledge and application, leadership ability and potential.

Program Entrance Factors - Grade 12 

During their grade 11 year, a student who is not currently enrolled in the McEwen Leadership program may apply to be included in the program for their grade 12 year as a student in the Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals course (BOH4M).

To apply for inclusion in the McEwen Leadership program for grade 12, the student applicant must inform the Course Director, Mr. Sean Ludwig, during the first term of the academic year of their intention to apply for entrance into the McEwen Leadership program.

Entrance into the McEwen Leadership program for grade 12 will be based on a variety of key entrance factors:
  1. Program Availability
    • The BOH4M course is limited to an enrolment of 22 students. Thus, a current grade 11 McEwen Leadership program participant must elect to discontinue his participation in the course for there to be a spot in the program for a new grade 12 student.
  2. Development of Prerequisite Leadership Skills and Business Knowledge
    • The grade 12 student applicant must demonstrate that he has obtained the necessary prerequisite leadership skills and business knowledge in order to be successful in the BOH4M course, despite his absence from the grade 11 IDC3O course.
    • The following initiatives are highly recommended as indicators of the prerequisite leadership skills and business knowledge: obtain a final academic mark of 85% or higher in at least two of the following three senior-level business courses:
      • Financial Accounting Fundamentals – BAF3M
      • International Business Fundamentals – BBB4ME
      • The Individual and the Economy – CIE3M
    • Participate as a key member of the SAC DECA Club
    • Participate as a key member of a distinct leadership group within the SAC community – i.e., Outreach, SAGE, Andrean Life, SACTV, etc.
    • Participate as a Middle School House Captain
    • Demonstrate other leadership initiatives through volunteer opportunities, community service, etc.
    • Apply for and earn distinguished leadership positions in the SAC community for grade 12
The final decision regarding all applications for the grade 12 McEwen Leadership program will be made by Sean Ludwig, Course Director, in consultation with the Assistant Headmaster, Academics and Assistant Headmaster, Upper School. 
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178