COVID-19 Mitigation

To increase availability of athletic therapy services, and as part of our COVID-mitigation strategy to limit the number of in-person visitors in the clinic,
virtual appointments are available!

Students are encouraged to schedule consultations, assessments or treatments during spare periods, commitment-free time, or before or after school. Appointments will be confirmed at the discretion and availability of athletic therapy staff on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Please contact the Athletic Therapy Clinic via email ( or Edsby (Athletic Therapy), or contact an athletic therapist directly to schedule an appointment:
Heather Tugnett ( or
Natalie Figueira (
Save for rare circumstances, students are not permitted to miss class to come to the Athletic Therapy Clinic. If an injury/illness is significant enough to leave class, the student should be sent directly to the Health Centre.
The services provided by the athletic therapists are for students only. Faculty and staff seeking advice or information about an injury or rehabilitation may be referred to local healthcare practitioners (see the Resources tab list of local clinics offering a variety of health care services).
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178