Concussion Awareness

ST. ANDREW'S COLLEGE CONCUSSION PROTOCOL: St. Andrew’s College Concussion Protocol
As outlined in the school's Concussion Protocol, concussion awareness is mandatory for students, parents, teachers/administrators, coaches and athletic therapy staff.

Students will receive annual concussion awareness training and are required to annually complete and abide by the Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes and Parents/Guardians.
Parents/guardians are required to acknowledge that they have reviewed the age-specific Rowan's Law Concussion Awareness Resource and the Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes and Parents/Guardians with their son(s) annually as a component of the mandatory Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk submission. 

Faculty, coaches and athletic therapy staff will receive annual concussion awareness training are are required to annually complete and abide by the Concussion Code of Conduct for Coaches & Athletic Therapists.

Additional concussion awareness resources for students, parents/guardians, teachers, and coaches are available below.
Resources for Students:
Resources for Parents & Caregivers:
Resources for Teachers & Coaches:
General Resources:

St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178