Legacy Giving
What is Legacy Giving?
Legacy gifts are made with forethought. Donors are thinking about the future benefits to the institution, and the tax advantages as a donor. Legacy gifts can be a bequest made through your will, a gift of life insurance, shares or stocks, RRSP/RRIF, or an annuity.
A legacy gift can provide future support for areas of St. Andrew’s College most important to you, and can often result in a much larger gift to the School than you ever thought possible.
Potential benefits:
  • Immediate tax relief
  • Lifetime income for you or another beneficiary
  • Reduce estate taxes
  • Meaningful legacy
  • Huge impact for SAC’s future students
  • Grant membership to Andrean Legacy Society, which honours all planned gifts.
We Can Help
A Legacy Gift is a significant way to support the School and can transform SAC’s future. This type of giving requires some planning with your advisor and family, we can work with you, your family and advisors on a confidential basis to ensure your legacy and philanthropic intentions are fully met.

For more information, please contact Laura Byl, Stewardship & Planned Giving Officer, at 905-727-3178 ext. 381, or Email: laura.byl@sac.on.ca
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178