Gift of Life Insurance – The Andrean Legacy

A gift of life insurance allows you and your family to make a significant gift to St. Andrew’s in the future - one that may not be possible during your lifetime. The premise of this program is simple and unique to St. Andrew’s.

Rather than making a monthly or yearly donation to the School, you receive tax benefits for contributions made to a life insurance policy for the SAC Foundation. When the policy matures, usually after a 10-year period, a named scholarship or bursary award can be created. 

You may also wish to leave the policy payout to the discretion of the Board of Directors and/or the Head of School. The proceeds would go toward initiatives that would most benefit St. Andrew’s at the time.

Click here for our life insurance program overview.

For more information about Gifts of Life Insurance, please contact Nicholas Weedon, Associate Director of Advancement, at 905-727-3178, ext. 321 or
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178