• All AP courses have been approved via successful completion of the AP Course Audit.
  • Students are evaluated on the basis of Ministry of Education expectations for a given course; course expectations specific to the AP program are assessed.
  • Teachers use the month of April to prepare for the qualifying exam. This exam is designed to mimic the AP exam and includes both Ministry and AP expectations; this exam may be worth up to 20 per cent of the value of the course.
  • Students complete course summatives or extension/enrichment projects in the weeks following the AP exam that may, at the discretion of the teacher, be submitted during the regular exam period.
  • Students must be registered in the AP course during the academic year and earn their right to take an AP exam. This is at the teacher’s discretion and based upon the student’s performance throughout the year and on the qualifying exam in April. Many courses are structured so that the qualifying exam is worth the full 20 per cent of the final mark if the student achieves at a level that will earn him the right to take the exam. When the student does not earn the right to take the AP exam, the qualifying exam will be weighted at a lesser value. For example, a poor performance on the qualifying exam may result in the teacher counting this exam for only five per cent of the total value of the course. In this particular example, the student would then be required to write a June examination, and the weighting for this exam would be 15 per cent. The percentiles provided are for demonstration purposes only, and teachers reserve the right to adjust them accordingly.
  • Students enrolled in an AP course have earned 80 per cent or higher in the course prerequisite.
  • A teacher of an individual AP course may appeal to have guidelines modified if it is in the best interest of the students in the program. Communication will be made to students to indicate that modifications have been made.
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178