• Students not enrolled in an AP course during the academic year are not able to register for an exam unless the AP course is not offered at St. Andrew’s College.
  • Exam charges are *US $127 per exam. If a student qualifies to write the exam but elects not to write, there is an automatic US $40 charge to return the exam.
  • AP scores are available in July.
  • Because AP work is considered post-secondary, students in these courses who receive a grade of 3 or higher may receive a tax credit for the year the exam is written. The average tax credit is in excess of C$2,000 per exam.
  • Students may release AP scores to universities to receive a transfer credit once they enrol. This is optional for all colleges/universities, except McGill.
  • Advanced Placement may be used either for transfer credit or to ease the transition during first year by essentially repeating the coursework.
* US $145 per Capstone exam
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178