French as a Second Language

Grade 5 Core

The Grade 5 Core French program is designed to introduce students to the multimedia approach of language learning in the Middle School. Through a variety of mediums, such as songs, online teaching tools, and boy-friendly classroom activities, students discover the language in a way that allows for interactive learning of key concepts and fundamental skills in French. The four strands of language learning (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) are explored in a way that caters to the unique needs and talents of boys. Students also learn about the rich French culture that exists in Canada and in other parts of the world.

Grade 6 Core

The aim of the Grade 6 Core French program is to develop fundamental oral, reading, writing, and listening skills in French. Through hands-on, kinesthetic activities such as drama, music, and outdoor activities, the student is expected to speak, write, read, and listen to a variety of boy-friendly mediums. The Core French program offers students a valuable opportunity to develop a basic usable command of the French language, as well as to develop an appreciation of French culture in Canada and other parts of the world.

Grade 6 Enriched

We recognize that all students enter St. Andrew’s College with a variety of French skills. It is for this reason that the Enriched French program has been implemented. Students in this course are streamed at the beginning of the year into either an Enriched French class or a Core French class. The Enriched program emphasizes communicative competence while extending French language opportunities in all skill areas. Students are exposed to a wide variety of grammar and vocabulary and are expected to integrate these skills simultaneously. This is accomplished through unique communicative tasks, written activities, and reading and listening comprehension on a variety of boy-friendly topics, supporting the unique learning styles of boys. The Enriched program is offered to students who have an immersion background or a strong comprehension of the French language.

Grade 7 Core

The aim of the Grade 7 Core French program is to enhance fundamental oral, reading, writing, and listening skills in French. Through hands-on, kinesthetic activities such as drama, music, and outdoor activities, students are expected to speak, write, read, and listen to a variety of boy-friendly mediums. The Core French program offers students a valuable opportunity to develop a usable command of the French language, as well as to develop an appreciation of French culture in Canada and other parts of the world.

Grade 7 Enriched

This course is an extension of the Grade 6 Enriched French program. The students in this course are streamed at the beginning of the year into either an Enriched French class or a Core French class. If a student is new to St. Andrew’s College in Grade 7, he is placed according to his French abilities. The Enriched French program emphasizes communicative competence while extending French language opportunities in all skill areas. Students are exposed to a wide variety of grammar and vocabulary and are expected to integrate these skills simultaneously. This is accomplished through unique communicative tasks, written activities, and reading and listening comprehension on a variety of boy-friendly topics, supporting the unique learning styles of boys. The Enriched French program is offered to students who have an immersion background or a strong comprehension of the French language.

Grade 8 Core

The aim of the Grade 8 Core French program is to further develop oral, reading, writing, and listening skills in French. Through hands-on, kinesthetic activities, such as drama, music, and outdoor activities, the students are expected to communicate, write, read, and listen to a variety of boy-friendly mediums. The Core French program offers students a valuable opportunity to develop a functional command of the French language, as well as develop an appreciation of French culture in Canada and other parts of the world. 

Grade 8 Enriched

This course is an extension of the Grade 7 Enriched French program. The students in this course are streamed at the beginning of the year into either an Enriched French class or a Core French class. If a student is new to St. Andrew’s College in Grade 8, he is placed according to his French abilities. The Enriched program emphasizes communicative competence while extending French-language opportunities in all skill areas. Students are exposed to a wide variety of grammar and vocabulary and are expected to integrate these skills simultaneously. This is accomplished through unique communicative tasks, written activities, and reading and listening comprehension on a variety of boy-friendly topics, supporting the unique learning styles of boys. Enriched students have the opportunity to participate in a one-week French exchange in Montreal during their Grade 8 year. The Enriched program is offered to students who have an immersion background or a strong comprehension of the French language. This program will prepare students for the Extended French program in the Upper School.
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178