Health & Physical Education 

Healthy active living involves a combination of physical activity and appropriate lifestyle choices. Students should begin early on to acquire basic knowledge about a wide variety of health-related topics and to develop relevant skills. They need to understand how their actions and decisions affect their health, fitness, and personal well-being, and how to apply their learning to make positive, healthy decisions in all areas of life and personal development. The school environment can profoundly influence students’ attitudes, preferences, and behaviours.

Through the Health & Physical Education curriculum, students develop:
  • an understanding of the importance of physical fitness, health, and well-being and the factors that contribute to them
  • a personal commitment to daily, vigorous physical activity and positive health behaviours
  • the basic movement skills they require to participate in physical activities throughout their lives

The achievement of the objectives of the Health & Physical Education program not only enhances each student’s life, but also results in a healthier population. Students’ knowledge of the importance of daily, vigorous physical activity also helps them to understand how such activity combats health risks such as obesity and heart disease.
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178