Middle School French Program

The Middle School offers a French program for Grades 5 to 8. The Grade 5 program is a core-based program with enrichment opportunities. The Grade 6 to 8 program is divided into core and enriched streams.
The Core Program

It is the goal of the Middle School French faculty to foster an appreciation and love of the French language. The Core program aims to expose students to French language and culture, enhance basic communication skills, and invoke an understanding of the nature of the language and an appreciation for French in Canada and the world. Through a balanced curriculum incorporating reading, writing, listening, and speaking, students study a variety of boy-friendly themes that reinforce boys learning, global citizenship, and other values of the School.
The Enriched Program

The Enriched French program allows students to further develop their skills through an enhanced and immersive environment. At the beginning of each school year, students in Grades 6 to 8 complete diagnostic activities in all skill areas (e.g., speaking, listening, writing, and reading). Based on their performance, motivation, and previous exposure to the language, students are placed into the appropriate class.

The Middle School French program is compulsory for all students unless the student requires English, and is therefore exempt from the program and is enrolled in an ESL course. In the event that an international student has not been exposed to the French language in their previous school, they are still mandated to complete the program at the grade level they are enrolled in. 
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178