
Teachers use a variety of assessment and evaluation strategies including: peer and self-assessments, tests, essays, independent study projects, oral presentations, portfolios, journals, group projects, skills checklists, labs, and examinations. One hundred percent of the grade is based on evaluation conducted throughout the course in grades 5, 6, and 7. Eighty-five percent of the grade is based on evaluation conducted throughout the course in grade 8, and 15% of the grade is based on a final summative evaluation aimed at determining achievement of course expectations. The Mathematics program and the Comprehensive Arts program are exceptions to this as they are grade 9 credit courses; therefore, the summative portion is valued at 30%. This final evaluation includes a required formal written examination and optional evaluations in the form of a performance, essay, oral presentation, or evaluations suitable to the course. Formal reports are issued as described below. Where used, letter grades are translated to Achievement Levels and percentages as shown here.
Grades 5 & 6

Report Period
Information Included
November Report
Evaluation of subject learning skills, cumulative subject letter grade and comment, cumulative absences, advisor comment, athletics comment, co-curricular comments, boarding Housemaster comment.
March Report
Evaluation of subject learning skills, cumulative subject letter grade and comment, cumulative absences, advisor comment, athletics comment, co-curricular comments.
June Report
Evaluation of subject learning skills, cumulative subject letter grade and comment, cumulative absences, advisor comment, athletics comment, co-curricular comments, boarding Housemaster comment.

Grades 7 & 8

Report Period
Information Included
November Report
Evaluation of subject learning skills, cumulative subject numeric grade and comment, cumulative absences, advisor comment, athletics comment, co-curricular comments, boarding Housemaster comment.
March Report
Evaluation of subject learning skills, cumulative subject numeric grade and comment, cumulative absences, advisor comment, athletics comment, co-curricular comments.
June Report
Evaluation of subject learning skills, cumulative subject numeric grade and comment, cumulative absences, advisor comment, athletics comment, co-curricular comments, boarding Housemaster comment.

Attendance at evaluation sessions is compulsory. Do not make any other plans during the summative schedule or for the final examination period in June for our grade 8 students. Students who miss a final evaluation will receive zero for the evaluation unless the absence is verified and legitimate. In order for the absence to be considered legitimate, the student must have visited his family doctor, the hospital emergency ward, or the SAC Health Centre, and provide the Director of Middle School with a medical certificate stating the exact date(s) the student was seen for treatment. For any other absence to be considered legitimate, approval of the exceptional circumstance must be given by the Director of Middle School or his/her designate. Students missing an evaluation because of a verified late absence will receive an estimated mark for the evaluation. 
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178