The Community Service Council at SAC
The Upper School Community Service Council of St. Andrew’s is made up of 10-12 student leaders whose mission is to promote volunteering at our school and in the larger community. The group consists of a president who runs meetings and ensures the goals of the council are being met, a vice-president who takes over if the president is not available, a secretary who takes minutes and writes a necessary documents, and representatives from the different grades in the Upper School. In order to fulfill its mandate, the council maintains a web-site and Edsby conference with information about volunteer activities and requirements, keeps track of student volunteer hours and rewards students with pins marking exceptional service, organizes and leads volunteer activities, liaises with town and school officials, and brings in guest speakers for assemblies and chapel. The Head of Community Service are Mr. Joe Commisso, Community Service Co-ordinator, and Mr. Christopher St-Cyr. 
Pins and Awards
The following are awarded for Community Service:
  • Middle School
    - 15 hour pin
    - a Prize Day award to recognize exceptional service
  • Upper School
    - 100 hour pin and 200 hour pin
    - a Tie to recognize 350 hours of service
    - a Prize Day award, the Lieutenant-Governor’s Community Volunteer Pin, to recognize outstanding service by a grade 12 student 
    - an award to recognize outstanding service by a student in grades 9 - 11
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178