What is Community Service?

Community Service seeks to help those in need.
  • Community Service is volunteer work.
  • Community Service is concerned about education, health care, the environment, human rights, animals, the needy, the poor, the hurting.
  • Community Service takes place in a variety of settings, including businesses, not-for-profit organizations, public sector institutions (including hospitals), and informal settings.
The ministry has developed a list of activities that may not be chosen as community involvement activities. These are referred to as ineligible activities. An ineligible activity is an activity that: 
  • is a requirement of a class or course in which the student is enrolled (e.g., cooperative education portion of a course, job shadowing, work experience);
  • takes place during the time allotted for the instructional program on a school day. However, an activity that takes place during the student's lunch breaks or “spare” periods is permissible;
  • takes place in a logging or mining environment, if the student is under sixteen years of age;
  • takes place in a factory, if the student is under 15 years of age;
  • takes place in a workplace other than a factory, if the student is under 14 years of age and is not accompanied by an adult;
  • would normally be performed for wages by a person in the workplace;
  • involves the operation of a vehicle, power tools, or scaffolding;
  • involves the administration of any type or form of medication or medical procedure to other persons;
  • involves handling of substances classed as “designated substances” under the Occupational Health and Safety Act;
  • requires the knowledge of a tradesperson whose trade is regulated by the provincial government;
  • involves banking or the handling of securities, or the handling of jewelry, works of art, antiques, or other valuables;
  • consists of duties normally performed in the home (i.e., daily chores) or personal recreational activities;
  • involves activities for a court-ordered program (e.g., community-service program for young offenders, probationary program).
  • Any elected or appointed position (Prefect, Head of House, sports captain)
  • More than one 30-Hour Famine
  • Debating or other school clubs
  • School plays and dramatic performances (technical assistance or active participator in the play)
  • Helping a family member or neighbors with tasks around the house
  • Helping a classmate with homework
  • Working for a company or organization that is profiting from your contribution (if you were not volunteering would the organization have to pay someone to do your assigned task?)
  • Working with for-profit camps or skill development coaches (i.e shooting on a goalie for a coach)
  • Being a minor sports official (unpaid)
  • Ushering at a school play
  • Participating in a 30-Hour Famine (hours are limited to participation in one famine)
  • Assisting the Outreach Committee with philanthropic events (i.e. Homecoming sales, Holiday Hero) 
  • Giving blood
  • Working at organizations such as: food banks, hospitals, elderly care centers, etc.  
  • Any event being advertised by the Community Service Council or Thursday Community Service Leadership
  • Scoring or timing home games for St. Andrew’s College sports teams
  • Being an Altar Server
  • Volunteering to perform as a member of a musical ensemble (Pipes and Drums .etc.)
  • Coaching community sports teams
  • Service trips where community engagement is a focal point (max of 12 hours per day of service)
  • Work with Churches, Temples or other religious entities.
  • Camp Counsellor is training opportunities. For-profit camps will not be accepted. If camp requires your services overnight, you will receive a maximum of 12 hours per day.
  • Technical assistance for school plays (community service hours are only given to those who are not receiving leadership credits through the Theatre Tech Council).
*Performances for the benefit of the school (ie Advancement events, Sports events etc.) will be considered “On-Campus” hours. Scheduled school performances are not eligible for community service hours.

  • Eligible for ‘On-Campus’ Hours
  • Eligible for ‘Off Campus’ Hours
For the OSSD, only 40 hours are required, but to earn maximum ADwH points, 75% of the required OSSD hours are to be off campus (ie aiding / benefiting organizations other than St. Andrew’s College). If it is an outside organization running an event on campus, you will be awarded off-campus hours. If you came to St. Andrew’s after grade 9, your OSSD requirements will be 10 hours per year.

Please contact Mr. Commisso if you are unsure that what you are volunteering for is appropriate for community service hours. This should be done before completing activities. 
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178