List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Erin Humphreys

    Erin Humphreys 

    Director of Health Services
    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Samantha Muratoff

    Samantha Muratoff 

    Health Centre Asst & Circle Of Care Coordinator
    (905) 727-3178 x399
  • Photo of Chris Fortier

    Chris Fortier 

    School Physician
    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Kris Mulholland

    Kris Mulholland 

    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Alex Seto

    Alex Seto 

    School Counsellor
    (905) 727-3178 x245
Dr. Chris Fortier is available to see patients Monday and Thursday mornings, by appointment. Please call 905-727-9843 or send an email to . Twelve hours notice would be appreciated if it is necessary to cancel a doctor’s appointment.

The Health Centre arranges dental appointments and all specialist appointments. Arrangements are made with a local taxi company for transportation to these appointments, and a chaperone may accompany the student if warranted.
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178