List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Erin Humphreys

    Erin Humphreys 

    Director of Health Services
    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Samantha Muratoff

    Samantha Muratoff 

    Health Centre Asst & Circle Of Care Coordinator
    (905) 727-3178 x399
  • Photo of Chris Fortier

    Chris Fortier 

    School Physician
    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Kris Mulholland

    Kris Mulholland 

    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Alex Seto

    Alex Seto 

    School Counsellor
    (905) 727-3178 x245
All medications must be reported to the Health Centre for documentation. Students are discouraged from keeping medication in their rooms. The nurse MUST dispense all medications to Middle and Upper School students. 

St. Andrew’s College has an Epinephrine Autoinjector (Epipen/Allerject) protocol for students with life-threatening allergies. All students with life-threatening allergies are required to carry Epinephrine at all times, and an additional Epinephrine autoinjector must be provided to the Health Centre.
EpiPens, with instructions for use, are located throughout the School. Teaching staff are given information regarding students with life-threatening allergies at the beginning of the school year and are instructed in the use of the EpiPens.
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178