List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Erin Humphreys

    Erin Humphreys 

    Director of Health Services
    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Samantha Muratoff

    Samantha Muratoff 

    Health Centre Asst & Circle Of Care Coordinator
    (905) 727-3178 x399
  • Photo of Chris Fortier

    Chris Fortier 

    School Physician
    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Kris Mulholland

    Kris Mulholland 

    (905) 727-3178 x276
  • Photo of Alex Seto

    Alex Seto 

    School Counsellor
    (905) 727-3178 x245


Nurse Consultations
  • A school nurse is available in-person and on-call 24 hours a day.
Immunizations and Allergy Shots
  • Flu shots, Hep B, Travel Vaccinations – we do it all!
Medication Dispensary
  • All medications must be reported to the Health Centre for documentation. Students are discouraged from keeping medication in their rooms.
Doctor Appointments
  • Dr. Fortier, the school physician, is available for appointments Monday and Thursday mornings in the Health Centre.
Counselling Services
  • Alexander Seto '13, is a registered psychotherapist who specializes in child/adolescent mental health issues. He is available for counselling in the Health Centre by appointment.
  • Dr. Rose Schnabel is a registered psychotherapist whose independent practice is located in Aurora, Ontario. She is available for counselling in the Health Centre by appointment.
Circle of Care
  • The Circle of Care program is run by Samantha Muratoff in the Health Centre. This program is a student-centric initiative and utilizes all staff and faculty to identify student concerns. This program was established as a proactive measure to address any concerns surrounding a student's health and mental well-being.

Lending Library
  • The Health Centre houses a number of books on topics such as depression and sexual health. These books are available to students upon request.
'Strong Active Colleagues' Employee Wellness Program
  • Recognizing the importance of leading by example, the Health Centre coordinates an employee wellness program to assist our faculty and staff in achieving optimal health.
Foot Care Clinic
  •  A holistic, non-invasive approach to skin and nail care for your feet. An RN will diagnose and treat common skin and nail disorders including warts, athletes' foot and ingrown toenails.
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada
Tel: 905-727-3178